How Great Would

It Feel to Have a Mental

Training Plan for Your Injury

Recovery as an Athlete?

Enhance Your Injury Recovery Journey Now

Improve your mental performance, bounce back from setbacks, and excel in your athletic pursuits.

Recovery from sports injuries goes beyond physical rehab. True recovery involves nurturing the mind, building resilience, and equipping with mental tools for a stronger comeback.

Introducing our comprehensive sport psychology injury recovery course

– The Mindful Comeback -

your roadmap to mastering the mental game of recovery.

Say goodbye to self-doubt and frustration, and hello to confidence, motivation, and a clear path forward.

Here's what you'll learn in our course:

Don't let injuries hinder your progress as an athlete.

 Start your journey with The Mindful Comeback now and take your first step on the path to a stronger, more resilient you.

The next chapter of your injury comeback story starts now.

But first, let me ask you…

As a dedicated athlete well-versed with physical training, isn’t now the perfect time to direct some of that energy toward your mental game?

Let’s face it:

✔️You've dedicated yourself to your sport, conquering many obstacles and pushing your limits. But when an injury occurs, it can feel like a major setback - not just physically, but mentally as well.

✔️You don’t just want to recover; you want to thrive.

✔️You want to maintain motivation, quiet the inner critic, and feel confident on your recovery path.

✔️You want to take charge, advocate for yourself, and track progress effectively.

✔️You want to return to training stronger, more resilient, and ready to overcome any obstacle.

But right now, it might feel like an uphill battle. The doubts creep in, the frustration mounts, and it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

That's where The Mindful Comeback comes in. We're here to help you unlock your full potential, both on and off the field. With 14 comprehensive modules covering everything from building your support network to cultivating a resilient mindset, you'll gain the tools and strategies you need to overcome setbacks and emerge stronger than ever.

It's time to rewrite your comeback story. Enroll now and take the first step towards your most resilient chapter yet.

Here are 3 limiting beliefs you MUST let go of if you want a stronger comeback.

"I already tried therapy. It wasn't helpful."

Try me! 🤗

Feeling hesitant due to past experiences not meeting expectations is common. However, it's crucial to distinguish between traditional talk therapy and sport psychology as distinct methods with unique focuses and approaches.

Sport psychology offers tailored strategies for athletes' challenges and goals. Unlike traditional therapy, sport psychology addresses mental hurdles, performance issues, stress management, and setback recovery, enhancing athletic performance effectively.

“Sport Psychology Won’t Help Me. I’ve Tried Everything.”

Everything? Are you sure? 🤔

Sport psychology plays a vital role in injury recovery by enhancing mental resilience and overall well-being. Learning to manage stress, set achievable goals, and boost mental toughness aids in making healthier choices for long-term well-being. Overcoming injury hurdles is easier with sport psychology techniques, empowering a confident and resilient return to sports with an improved mental game.

"Do I Have What It Takes to Overcome This Injury?"

Yep! You sure do! 🤩

Athletes may face uncertainties about their skills, motivation, and resilience while recovering. Yet, they also hold strengths such as determination and discipline vital for successful recovery. Sport psychology techniques can help you recognize and use these inner resources to manage thoughts and emotions during injury rehabilitation effectively. ANNNDDDD those same skills will help you with your performance when you’re back in action.

The Best Way to Navigate Your Injury Rehabilitation is to Take Those Gnarly Thoughts & Feelings Along with you for the Ride

How Is This Possible?

Pushing away challenging thoughts and emotions is like waiting for an injury to heal without dealing with its root cause. While this approach may offer temporary comfort, it doesn't foster enduring recovery and personal development.

Traditional injury recovery methods often prioritize physical aspects, overlooking the crucial contribution of mental resilience. Athletes sometimes avoid addressing doubts, fears, and frustrations, thinking it indicates weakness or failure.

But what if we reframed the recovery journey as an opportunity for growth? 

What if we embraced the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, recognizing them as valuable signals guiding us towards a better healing process?

The Mindful Comeback offers a revolutionary approach to injury recovery, one that acknowledges the importance of mental well-being in achieving optimal physical health. Through a series of evidence-based techniques and strategies, as well as my own scholarly research, you can learn to confront and navigate difficult thoughts and emotions with courage–not avoidance.

Step 1

Embrace the Inner Journey

Instead of pushing away uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, I’ll show you how to explore them with curiosity and openness. We’ll shine a light on the skeletons in the injury recovery closet so you can begin to understand and address them effectively.

Step 2

Build Resilience

Sport psychology helps athletes to develop resilience in the face of adversity and setbacks. I will show you how to take these setbacks in stride. Will they still suck? Yes. But they‘ll no longer ruin your day when they happen.

Step 3

Create a Game Plan for Success

Armed with newfound self-awareness and resilience, you’ll develop personalized action plan for your recovery journey. We’ll help you set realistic goals, establish healthy coping mechanisms, and prioritize self-care to ensure long-term success.

Step 4

Thrive Beyond Recovery

The Mindful Comeback isn't just about overcoming injury; it's about thriving in other areas of life. We’ll help you look at the bigger picture with a healthy perspective so your athletic injury isn’t the one thing on your mind #allthetime.

Because here's the truth:

Ignoring difficult thoughts and feelings won't make them disappear.

But facing them head-on, with the right support and guidance, can be a legitimate game changer. It's time to give sport psychology a shot so you can look back and confidently state that you responded to the injury with grace and grit–not just frustration.

Hey Hi Hello! 👋 I’m Dr. Ayala

I’m a licensed sport psychologist, published researcher, and avid endurance athlete who brings a blend of clinical & research expertise to my work in health and performance. I mentor & guide athletes who want to improve their mental game in order to experience breakthrough seasons and performances.

As a cyclist and as a sport psychologist who works with all types of athletes, I’ve seen (and experienced) my fair share of injuries.

One thing I’ve noticed is that athletes usually receive a physical road map for their recovery. But what about a mental road map?

I turned to empirical research–and sure enough, there was a lot about fears and anxieties about returning to training and competition–but not a whole lot about what athletes can be doing during their rehabilitation process.

As a former professor who still conducts and publishes a lot of my own research, I decided to fill the gap by doing a full-fledged research study. I interviewed 40+ Subject Matter Experts and I asked them one question: What are the thoughts, feelings, and actions that athletes need to optimize their injury rehabilitation process?

After crunching a bunch of numbers, I was able to streamline the content and make it digestible and accessible so that it’s not stuck behind an academic journal’s paywall. And voila! That’s what you get in this course.


The Mindful Comeback

Your Mental Roadmap for Your Injury Recovery

The first holistic program (to our knowledge!) that looks at the WHOLE athlete so you can improve your recovery process and take on your inner critic no matter its size (or how stubborn it is).

It’s built not only for serious athletes…

But for the every day athlete, the weekend warrior, or even the high school athlete wondering if it makes sense to keep going.

Through core modules and at-home exercises, mindfulness scripts, coaching videos, a recovery habit and symptom tracker (and more) you’ll learn the tools needed to be able to manage the inevitable ups and downs of recovery with grit and grace.

“But what does that actually mean?!”

First, you will learn how to…

-Lean into your Social Support Crew: A lot of athletes hate asking for help! We’ll give you a more strategic approach on how to do this.

-Build a Supportive Care Team: It can be tough to find the right healthcare providers. We’ll let you know what credentials to look for, as well as any red flags to be aware of.

-Maintain Active Participation in your Rehab Process: work through progress tracking, setting process goals, managing expectations, and setting realistic recovery timelines.

-Gradually Return to Training: This part is tough for athletes. We talk through how to listen to your body and adapt when needed.

-Sleep Well and Fuel Well: We’ll note the importance of effective fueling, as well as effective sleep hygiene.

-Balance Patience with Resilience and Grit: All about how to maintain a resilient mindset that supports your recovery instead of hurting it.

-Lean into Self-Compassion: Learn how your identity can increase self-compassion and awareness. Discover ways to boost awareness, tackle mental hurdles, handle emotions, and navigate mood and anxiety issues.

-Find your Stress Management Balance: This lesson covers the significance of rest, enjoying non-sport activities, managing stress, fostering a positive exercise relationship, prioritizing mental health, & preparing for post-sports life.

And THEN, once we’ve got the basics covered, we get to the real nitty gritty by introducing you to some of the best mental tools out there. Yes, don’t worry, they’re ALL specific to injury.
This is where the work really begins!

-Take goal setting to the next level: Identify your top three values for a smoother and more rewarding goal setting journey.

-Come to terms with self-sabotage: Some of your actions aid healing & return to sport. Some hinder progress. We’ll help you recognize them and develop healthier coping mechanisms for your recovery.

-Deal with unpleasant thoughts: We talk about how you can combine physical rehabilitation with cognitive techniques to overcome setbacks with resilience and determination.

-Deal with unpleasant emotions: Learn to get curious about your feelings, question your assumptions, and control impulses for successful recovery.

-Deal with unpleasant situations: face reality, understand causes, & accept your injury rather than trying to ignore it or override it.

-Navigate fear of reinjury: Learn to navigate fear traps and apply techniques for growth and determination in the recovery journey.

(Hint hint: It’s not just about the physical rehab anymore)

Say “sign me up, coach!” and…

get everything you need for a stronger mental game and an even better comeback

PLUS get access to evidence-based tools and strategies to identify your “why,” learn new tips & tricks for responding to your inner critic, and more so you can QUICKLY get your game back.

✅ 8 core modules covering everything from building a supportive community to prioritizing mental health and creating an exit plan.

6 modules specifically for your deeper and applied work, filled with evidence-based strategies.

✅ 20 pre-recorded, personalized coaching sessions with the one and only (me!) to provide guidance and support.

✅ 50+ page electronic journal with reflection questions for each lesson to help you dig even deeper into your personal experience with injury

✅ 50+ page electronic workbook filled with activities, self-assessments, and worksheets so you can apply the content to your specific situation

✅ Interactive symptoms log and habit tracker to support communication with your healthcare team

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$150 today + 2 Recurring Payments

Want a preview of the topics that will be covered?

Check out the FREE Mindful Comeback Webinar


  • Let me count the ways! Let me start with a story. Over the past several years as a sport psychologist, I’ve seen how injured athletes get physical training plans filled with plenty of PT exercises. The individual clients I’ve worked with have always had some sort of physical protocol. But what about the mental one?! I searched far and wide, scanned through journal articles and textbooks, and aside from the basic resources like online blog posts or book chapters behind payrolls, I came up with nothing. As a former professor who still does research in the field, and as someone who has an OVERWHELMING COMPULSION (for real…) to fill gaps in the field, I got to work. I gathered over 40 subject matter experts in the field of injury recovery and I asked them one question: “What are the actions, thoughts, and feelings that injured athletes need to optimize their injury rehabilitation process?” This resulted in a list of 200 items. I cleaned the data, got it down to 100 items, and then went back to my subject matter experts and asked them to do the following:

    Sort the 100 items into categories based on similarity in content

    Rate each item based on how important it is for athletes to do

    Rate each item based on how challenging it typically is for athletes to do

    What did I find? 8 core clusters that athletes need to focus on. And what did I do with those clusters? I turned them into a course. VOILA! I’m writing up that research for publication now, but research isn’t helpful when it’s limited to the ivory tower of academia. So I also turned it into a course. That is this course.

    From there, I compiled some of the best tools from evidonce-based approaches to mental health therapy. I then tweaked and customized each and every one so that it was specific to injury recovery, and then created a module around it.

    So, to sum it up, this course is different because the information comes from an interdisciplinary team of physical therapists, orthopedic physicians, dietitians, sport psychologists, coaches, and more. I made sense of all of the information so that it’s easy to read and digest, and then created specific exercises designed to tap into all of this great info. This course is special to me, and I’m super proud of it. You quite literally can’t find anything else like it–especially in traditional talk therapy (This is coming from a therapist. I get it! I do sport psychology for a reason!)

  • Honestly, the more stretched and pulled you feel, the more important it probably is for you to enroll. We know stress can negatively affect the injury rehabilitation process for a number of reasons.

    So here’s the thing… the more you put into this course, the more you’ll get out of it. Revamping your mental skills so that they start working for you instead of against you takes time, patience, and persistence–just like the physical recovery process. Each lesson has about 15 minutes of content between the videos and the readings. Each at-home exercise will probably take another 15 minutes, depending on how serious you are about it. For real tangible results? The more consistent you are with these skills when applying them to your day-to-day life, the more they’ll help those stress levels.

    I know you’re maxed out, and that might sound scary, but it’s only overwhelming if you stay on this side of the fence.

    If you know right now that your current patten is unsustainable and a one-way-ticket to burnout or re-injury, then I’ll be the first to tell you that you need to find a way to block off the time.

    On my end, I PROMISE to spare you from any impractical fluff and lay out exactly what you need to do to feel improvements. If you put in all of the work and you think it was a complete waste of time, email me, and we’ll figure out how to move forward in a way that feels good to both of us.

  • As long as Skadi is in business! And I have no plans on going anywhere :) If for any reason I changed online hosting platforms or my business model (which I do NOT see myself doing), I’ll make sure all of my students receive archived content and material. I care deeply about this community and I will not leave you high and dry. In fact, the course will just continue to get better and better–and YOU, my friend, will get all of the updates and improvements along the way.

  • Want some details? Here’s what we’ve got in store for you!

    We first start with the getting started module, which includes a welcome lesson, instructions on how to navigate the course platform and join the online community, a bit about your instructor (me!), and an outline and objectives. You’ll then take a 15 minute assessment about your injury rehabilitation experience AND you’ll get personalized feedback on what your scores mean. These scores conveniently line up with the following course lessons. Each lesson below includes a coaching video, a reading, and a follow-up exercise for you to apply the content you learn:

    -Lesson 1: Leaning into your social support network (and what this actually looks like)

    -Lesson 2: How to create a robust team of healthcare providers who can guide you through your journey

    -Lesson 3: Active recovery participation and what it means for the ATHLETE (you!) to take ownership over your recovery experience

    -Lesson 4: How to listen to your body, understand your injury, and stay motivated to get your rehab exercises done

    -Lesson 5: How to optimize nutrition and sleep (and why this is important for injured athletes)

    -Lesson 6: Unpacking resilience, self-advocacy, and the skills needed to maintain an optimist mindset

    -Lesson 7: Leaning into self-compassion, focusing on the bigger picture, and separating your athletic identity from other parts of your identity when needed

    -Lesson 8: How to optimize your stress levels via a stress audit, prioritize mental health, and embrace holistic recovery.

    And then, we’ve got the applied skills:

    -Taking Goal Setting to the Next Level: Values serve as guiding principles that direct your actions and decisions, especially during injury recovery. In this lesson, we will explore the concept of values, reflect on your experiences, and identify your top three values to better navigate the journey of injury recovery.

    -Coming to Terms with Self-Sabotage: We dive into the concept of “toward moves” and “away moves,” behaviors that can either help or hinder progress toward your recovery goals. Recognizing these behaviors is crucial for developing healthier coping mechanisms and ensuring a holistic recovery.

    -Dealing with Unpleasant Thoughts: In this lesson, we talk about how you can combine physical rehabilitation with cognitive defusion techniques to overcome setbacks with resilience and determination.

    -Dealing with Unpleasant Emotions: Learn to get curious about your feelings, question your assumptions, and control impulses for successful recovery.

    -Dealing with Unpleasant Situations: Face reality, understand causes, & accept your injury rather than trying to ignore it or override it.

    -Fear of Reinjury: In this lesson, we dive into the nuances of fear during injury rehabilitation, noting how self-acceptance can fuel resilience. By discussing potential fear traps and practical techniques, athletes can walk away feeling more equipped to use fear as a powerful driver for growth and determination in their journey toward recovery.

  • Given the digital nature of all of this amazing content, we do not offer refunds for courses or products, including The Mindful Comeback.

  • I recommend these materials for athletes 14 and older.

Still Undecided?

I get it! You don’t want to waste your time or money. You’re a great fit for this course if…

✔️ You're a dedicated athlete facing the challenging road of injury rehabilitation, with your main focus on a sustainable and effective recovery.

✔️ You've been trying to navigate your way through various rehabilitation programs for months (or even years) but haven't been able to find a method that truly resonates with you or provides lasting progress.

✔️ You have no problem dedicating a few additional hours of work each week, for about 1 month, if it means you can establish a structured and effective rehab plan... If someone could just 'design + guide', you would HAPPILY engage fully with the process and apply the necessary efforts to follow through.

✔️ In fact, you're ALREADY investing extra time and energy doing things like researching recovery techniques, experimenting with different exercises, compensating for your injury in day-to-day activities, and seeking advice from various professionals... and you're concerned this cycle will continue until you either burn out or your recovery stalls significantly, unless something changes.

✔️ You care deeply about your sport and your return to it, and you're skeptical when you hear generic rehabilitation advice that seems outdated or irrelevant to modern understanding of sports science and psychology. That's why you appreciate how The Mindful Comeback guides you to use the most current and psychologically informed approaches that Subject Matter Experts actually recommend, without becoming overwhelming or incorporating unnecessary methods.

✔️ You're excited to begin exploring the content from The Mindful Comeback. Despite past disappointments, you're currently feeling a surge of optimism, knowing that by this time tomorrow, you can start integrating a straightforward yet surprisingly effective strategy for enhancing your mental and physical rehabilitation process.

If you found yourself nodding your head to the points above, then I absolutely CANNOT wait to welcome you inside The Mindful Comeback.