The Mindful Comeback:
Sport Psychology & Injury Recovery

Discover the 8 essential components for maximizing your recovery and transforming setbacks into comebacks!

FREE Workshop

FINALLY! A Sport psychology resource now available for athletes navigating the challenging path of injury recovery.

Join me for a 30-minute session where I'll guide you through the sport psychology skills that elite athletes use to conquer injuries and bounce back stronger.

  • Learn how to debunk common injury rehabilitation myths and understand mental and emotional recovery aspects.

  • Discover the eight essential categories for injury rehab supported by research.

  • Gain practical techniques for resilience, goal-setting, and building a supportive social network.

  • Explore the "Mindful Comeback" course for athlete empowerment in recovery stages.

Raise your hand if…

  • You’ve felt overwhelmed by the slow progress of physical recovery.

  • You’re struggling to stay motivated because you can’t train or compete.

  • You fear re-injury or doubt your ability to return to your previous performance level.

👀 I see you. You're not alone in this journey.

Now, imagine turning these challenges into your greatest strengths.

And if you’re thinking, “Can sport psychology really make that much of a difference in my recovery?”

Stay with me here…

Research shows that athletes who engage in mental training alongside physical rehabilitation tend to recover faster and more fully. Your mind and body are connected; healing one helps heal the other.

Sport psychology brings these pieces together for you.

Convinced yet? 

Hiya! I’m your workshop host, Dr. Ayala!

Owner & Founder of Skadi Sport Psychology

Sport Psychologist & Endurance Aficionado

Sport psychology is my jam. I’ve spent the past 18 years getting degrees, earning certifications, conducting and publishing research, teaching, and learning the ins and outs of psychology for athletes. In other words, I nerded out on this stuff so you don’t have to.

I want you to get curious about your mental game. And I’m here to guide you on your journey to unpack it, understand it, and help it work for you instead of against you.

As featured in…

Are you ready to give sport psychology a try?

(and find out just what you might be capable of)

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    If you’re struggling with your mental game, then look no further. I’ve got you covered.

    Not only will I teach you about the mental aspects of overcoming injury, I will give you exclusive access to resources and techniques proven to aid in recovery.