CMPC Mentorship

Are you a mental health clinician looking to specialize in applied sport psychology? Skadi Sport Psychology offers mentorship for the CMPC certification by Dr. Ayala, an AASP-Approved mentor. This program is designed to help you enhance your professional education and development in the field of sport psychology.

During the mentorship, you will earn the mentorship hours needed to apply for the standardized CMPC exam. You will have the chance to discuss and explore various topics related to applied sport psychology. These topics include psychological research and theory, assessment methods, intervention techniques, practice development and marketing, the business of sport psychology, ethical issues, case reviews, and more. The content of the mentorship will be tailored to your specific needs and goals as agreed upon by both parties.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To be eligible for this mentorship program, you must meet the following criteria:

    - Hold and maintain a valid state license as a mental health clinician.

    - Provide your own clientele to be discussed during the mentorship sessions.

    - Read, understand, and abide by the AASP Ethical Principles and Standards, as well as the ethical standards of the APA and your clinical license accrediting body.

    - Hold and maintain appropriate and sufficient malpractice insurance.

    - Provide the mentor with copies of your current license, malpractice face sheet, and current curriculum vitae.

    - Have no history of substantiated malpractice or board complaints.

  • Each 60-minute mentorship session is $175.

  • Most of my mentees are very busy clinicians, students, and/or parents juggling a lot of responsibilities. I’ll work with your schedule so we can find a cadence that works for both us. Usually, I meet with mentees every 1-3 weeks over the period of 12-18 months while they accrue their hours.

  • This mentorship is designed to provide an educational and collegial relationship, rather than a supervisory one. I believe in the importance of working within the scope of your education, training, experience, licensure, and ethical standards, as well as abiding by the laws of your state.

    In other words, I will not be your clinical supervisor to help you develop clinical skills as a therapist. I trust you already have those skills! Instead, I will teach you how to apply them to athletes and will provide you with tools needed to support your success at the CMPC level.

  • Dr. Ayala will provide you with individual meetings as scheduled, a CMPC hours log template to track your hours, and plenty of sport psychology resources and materials to support your growth as a CMPC!

  • Applicants must have completed a 400-hour mentored experience consisting of a minimum of 200 hours spent in direct client contact, a maximum of 150 hours spent in support activities, and a minimum of 50 hours spent in mentorship (i.e., face-to-face mentorship, electronic mentorship, and direct knowledge of services). A minimum of 200 hours across these categories must be spent with competitive sport populations. Mentors must be approved to provide mentorship by the Certification Council.